
Friday, 22 July 2011

I expected a lot more...

We happily took the son there. It was perfect! Close to home, a seemingly serious investment, built from scratch, interesting desks and lockers, based on Christian principles. It looked promising! And we thankfully enrolled young Robert there start of this year.
I should have noticed the trend then...end of term one holidays there was talk of tuition...which was not compulsory. Come end of term two, we get a “Dear parents...” note, kindly telling us about some two weeks tuition after the school term, and guess what?! Of course we have to pay some KSH 2,500 for the lower primary classes! Worse still, baby class is also expected to attend.
I nearly blew a gasket! A fellow parent tells me that we parents against the idea of holiday tuition are probably the monority. Apparently, most want their children out of their hair! Hell, what are they supposed to do with them for four whole weeks over August hols? Huh?
And here I am thinking, I get to see my son briefly at the end of the day as we do homework at marathon speed then I hound him to eat and make it to bed before 8pm. And all day Sato and Sunday too. But surely, is this supposed to be enough?
Then, when I’m looking forward to spending each day with him over the hols, doing fun stuff and zurura-ing to all sorts of surprise places with him, they want to take him off my hands! Comón now! That ain’t gonna happen on my watch!
And I thought this money-making venture a.k.a holiday tuition, was outlawed!
I’m very disappointed Madam Principal!