
Sunday, 19 June 2011

I ran into Uchumi Thursday...

I intended to grab a cart, a basket actually since all I wanted to get was cooking oil and...what was the other thing, oh yes, paper bags.
So I ran up to the cooking oil section and fancifully looked at the prices of the 10 litre mutungi's...why not buy much and get over and done with it for the next couple of months, ama? The price tag on it was some three thousand and something shillings. I looked at the 20 litre mutungi just to see what it cost and it was six thousand shillings and some...then I checked out Rina Vegetable Oil, which I prefer. What! I thought I was dreaming when I read to price tag on it. The 5 litre jerrican cost a whooping NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE SHILLINGS!!!
Ok, now please. WHAT! 931/=. I couldn't believe it. I looked at the 2 litre can, it was thereabouts Sh300 while the 4 litre one was like six hundred bob. I got upset. Surely. 5 litres of cooking oil going for about a thousand bob! It's either the value of our currency is crap...(consider the current exchange rate to the dollar...hmph 90 bob and dropping...) or we are being played.
How many people can afford this!?
Kenyans we are in trouble!
Then I'm thinking, surely, is it manufacturers that are taking advantage of rising fuel costs ama this is justified?
Honestly, I think this is really wrong. How many Kenyan families can afford this cooking oil? I didn't even bother to check out akina kimbo, and the other cooking fat varieties...but I'm pretty sure that the prices were just as bad.
How far down is this going to go? How much longer will Kenyans suffer, have to do away with the basics as ends refuse to meet each end month? Today its some families in Kibera, slums and low income households who will not have, tomorrow, it will be me and my family, the next day, you.
So what are you going to do about this?

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

this is drama of our own making...

Really, Kenyans, this is all our own doing. The nonsense going on in this country, from the lack of food situation the govt has refused to acknowledge, to the insecurity, corruption, child abuse, enviroment abuse, IDP situation, healthcare or lack thereof, falling buildings and football  drama, si DPP wa kimasai, si earing ya Chief Justice....need I continue?, is of our very own making. No, stop complaining. who elected these leaders anyways? Ok. You argue that it is not that simple. The lack of resources has given the able, not capable, the advantage of buying the masses and their vote. True that. But what are u doing about this? Can you see that with 2012 being an election year, we are seeing the same trends - food and fuel shortages, rise in prices of the same. This is recent history repeating itself and at the rate we are going, given our track record, we gongodownthesameold path we did last time...only this time, it may be worse. I'm very afraid.
We have some 13 months till election month August. Could you please do something about this and spread the good word?